All young people benefit by exposure to music education, and especially by the discipline inherent in the process of learning to play music.
Young people benefit by learning to play as part of an orchestra. They learn to cooperate with others; they learn to be responsible; they learn to accept instruction and leadership from others; they accrue the benefits of honest competition which includes learning to strive for improvement, performing under pressure, exhibiting grace in advancement and resilience in defeat.
We believe these important dispositions, acquired partially in the Music Opportunity Program, are carried into other of life's venues. Further, we believe these are, indeed, critical lessons for a successful life. Moreover, we have repeatedly observed the beneficial, sometimes even dramatic, impacts on our students.
All young people deserve opportunity, and it is our responsibility, along with other value-driven institutions, to do all we can to enhance those opportunities and see that they become available to as widely diverse a population as possible.